How Traveling with Food Allergies Just Got Easier with this One Simple Trick

How Traveling with Food Allergies Just Got Easier with This One Simple Trick

It can be unsafe traveling with food allergies if you do not use this one simple trick taught by a travel expert.

Let me paint you a picture:

You’re in Italy. The candle lights are lit, and the sun has set. People are out and about as the nightlife begins! You’re all eating together in your best dress and after this delicious meal, it’s off to the pubs and another aperitivo.

But suddenly your food allergies kick up and the night is now unfortunately ruined.

traveling with food allergies internationally can ruin a night out without this simple trick

If this has ever happened to you or a friend, it sucks.

But there’s hope!

Let’s prevent this problem with one simple trick I use during my many overseas experiences. Let me introduce you to the Intolerance Identification Card.

Expat philosophy's Allergy Travel Card

The Intolerance Identification Card (or IIC) is a straightforward communication card you can show the waiter. On it are the most common food allergies the waiter can quickly read and understand.

Anytime we go overseas, I encourage you all to learn some of the host country’s language, but sometimes things need to be clear as day.

Wish you had your own Intolerance Identification Card?

You do!

Your free download link is in the video description on YouTube. Watch our amazing video from the thumbnail below!

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How to Better Prepare Yourself for Overseas?

If you are looking for not only 5-star preparedness abroad, but to seek a deeper self while overseas, check out our Travel Prep Book.

Not only will I show you the most up-to-date travel hacks, but give you sound philosophy to make the most of your experience.

Learn to spot common tourist traps, get the perfect packing list and even receive bonuses like learning how to solo-travel and how to save hundreds of dollars for flights and lodging.

It’s all there.

What Results Have I Gotten From This Advice?

Anything you wish would happen to you while taking an overseas trip has happened to me— only because when I felt depressed and homesick while studying abroad, I used the suggestions in this article.

To name a few things that happened after I used the advice from this book:

  • Most profound conversations even experienced in the most inimitable places in this world
  • Doubled-down on my study abroad experience and learned to solo-travel with ease
  • Became less insecure and more emotionally confident
  • Learned how to handle extreme travel pressure and emergencies
  • More energy to take on new experiences never thought possible
  • Made international friends faster which leads to a richer life!

Good luck. Enjoy the apertivo and stay safe!

Expat Philosophy signing off,



Mike T. Kelly

Mike T. Kelly

Editor of Prosperity

Ex-structural engineer gone expat polyglot. Through his book, speaking events, published writings and online blog, he strives to influence millions to be their best selves while experiencing novelty overseas or at home. His desire for adventure travel is rivaled by his love for motorcycles, airplanes and family. Michael graduated from Gonzaga University with studies in civil engineering and philosophy. For his 29th birthday, he moved to Africa where he is experiencing his next transformative experience.

International Travel with Food Allergies FAQ:

How do you deal with food allergies while traveling?

There is one simple trick I use to avoid allergic reactions when traveling with allergies. I use my Intolerance Identification Card (a.k.a. Allergy Travel Card to easily communicate my allergies while overseas. Get your free printable allergy card here!

Is it safe to travel with allergies?

Is it safe to travel anywhere? Might as well travel with allergies the right way using Expat Philosophy's Allergy Travel Card. Get your allergy identification card for free from our download link.

Do food allergies get worse when you travel?

When traveling overseas, you are at more risk to have an allergic reaction from food if you do not have your Allergy Travel Card. You can get your free high quality allergy card on our website.