For the man who’s had ENOUGH of the cheesy breakup guides, un-insightful recovery advice, and ridiculous “become the most-interesting-man-in-the-room” promises that leads a smart man nowhere fast.

The “most interesting man in the room” is too busy out there making his fortune amid his heartbreak.

The Method That Turned Heartbroken Men into Leaders and Legends

There’s an ethical way to leverage the worst of your heartbreak. Your ex is done with you, but your ideal future isn’t. We studied the science. We studied the greats. We studied you.

Now thanks to your breakup, it’s time to become the man you were meant to become.

Love it. I have no doubt this course will change the tone of the men’s self-improvement industry. It’s such a different take on what it really means to be an ambitious guy dealing with breakups. I’m about halfway through the Recovery sections and can really feel the difference. It’s cool to see what I’m learning directly applies to what I want to create for myself (business, future partner, etc.) as I ACTUALLY recover rather than push it all down. FIVE STARS all the way!!

"The audio quality is great! I have only just listened to the first few hours of audio but let me tell you it can change you."

This is a masterpiece. It will help you get back on your feet and point you in the right direction to success. I recommend this for all individuals we need this in our lives to show us the way [to success]. Breakups are very difficult to get through. They tear you apart emotionally and mentally and physically this will help guide you through this difficult time and make you an even better individual overall. I highly recommend this to all.
The journey that this course guided me through has helped me immensely at a time in my life when I really needed it most. Heartbreak left me feeling bitter, callous, and really just frustrated with the world, but also myself. These sessions helped me rediscover the pieces about me that I really do like, but also how to grow as an individual and get to a point where I can be vulnerable again. I would recommend this to anyone who feels down after a breakup, but especially those who want to grow.

And yes… we have many more 5-star reviews!

Who is this Method for?

Anyone Looking to Become the Exception

Life is riddled with conventionalism, defaults and encouragement to be unlively. What better time to become your ideal self than during emotional heartbreak? This method will help you leverage pent-up ambition and feelings of envy towards productive and lucrative ends!

Anyone Motivated Enough to Do Something With Their Life

We've taught 19-year olds to 36-year olds. Late is always better than never. Living life to the fullest requires a slight "fuck-it" mentality and a strategic process. Both are offered to the individual not afraid to change it all. If this is you, what are you waiting for?

Anyone Looking for the Cheap Path

Ever since the Cognitive Revolution, mankind has searched for instant solutions to their woes. Topics like Alchemy, Astrology, Law of Attraction and pseudo-science are not glorified here. The Kellian Method was constructed off science and practical philosophy. If you're looking for shortcuts and unrealistic promises, there are hundreds of "influencers" you can stalk who avoid the hard work.

Chauvinists, Bigots and Machismo Schemers

Listeners taking this course under pretenses of "getting more pussy" or promoting over-exaggerated forms of masculinity usually can't handle the premium & grounding content. One's strength is measured by one's willingness to admit when they're at their weakest. Likewise, one's courage is measured by how well they act in accordance to themselves. I'm trying to make the world a better place. If you misuse that, then this course isn't meant for you.

Imagine for a second that you could...

Dismantle What's Holding You Back

Leave self-hindering thoughts of inadequacy behind. Much of what society tells us doesn't aid those looking to become the exception. If left unchecked, breakups force the worst out of you. How long have you convinced yourself you're inadequate and lazy? Careful, your current pain keeps your ambitious energies in checkmate.

Leverage Pain Towards Productive Power

Emotion is just as important as intelligence. There is an ethical and practical way to use it. People don't have problems with self-actualization. We have problems with self-transparency that bleed into our self-actualization. This unique tactic doesn't just help you move on, it makes you unbreakable.

Enhance Bodily Performance & Physique

Leveraging hard science and bodily wellness towards psychological superiority will only be a part of your recovery progress. Want to gain 24-lbs of muscle mass in 4-weeks? How about dropping to 11% body fat in the same timeframe? I achieved these stats by carefully designing the truer process of breakup recovery. Don't bother paying a "life coach" $200/hr for this. You'll become your own soon enough.

Amplify Creative Genius & Intuition

Peak physical performance and untapped potential isn't enough. In this Method, you'll become more emotionally intelligent, intuitive and mentally dilated. The world needs guys like you to bring your most unique gifts to the stage. I was stuck in my dull mental landscape for years until I ingested the right things to get where I needed to go. You will see the same results, but much faster.

and finally...

Use These Skills to Change Everything

I had ENOUGH of the un-insightful recovery advice, cheesy breakup guides, and ridiculous “become the most-interesting-man-in-the-room” promises that leads a smart man nowhere fast.

I did my own trial-and-error development and came out on top in a big way. Changing everything in your life is much simpler than worshiping “pick-up artists”, and just requires the proper process and insight. It took me 5-years to develop this method and another two to test it.

You’ll get there in much less time and without the hollow motives so many people fall into. 

The Breakup Left Me Emotionally F*cked Up

“I can’t be with someone who takes risks with their future.”

From someone I loved for the past 5 years, that stung. During my bad breakups, I was told many things that crushed me:

  • I was made to believe I was selfish
  • Simply a dreamer with no commitment
  • Nobody wants to commit to you because you take risks and don’t accept the standard path

These words set me back a few years. YEARS!

After launching my study abroad company, this was the opposite of what I needed. I needed to keep my mind prosperous, growing and unbroken so I can keep doing cool shit and take care of my family.

I needed proper breakup recovery that would unlock the most will, heart and ambition out of me.

Then It Got Much Worse...

Breakup round one was bad, but breakup round two actually broke me.

  • I was stuck in saddening self-incrimination
  • Toxic habits and self-mistreatment
  • I was angry and felt very misused, and
  • Only a few weeks away from going homeless (seriously)

I needed a solution that created an unassailable psyche, a permanent stance of self-belief and methods that granted me seemingly “superhuman” skills in life.

These are now the ingredients to my unrelenting success.

And You Know What? It Worked!

I discovered how to properly leverage romantic ache and keep my mind unhindered by societal bullshit.

Then, I flourished.

My well-being and focus skyrocketed. I became more creative and motivated than ever before. My rate of achievements became unparalleled. Better yet — I was actively making my dreams come true.

Intelligent and inspired people started gravitating towards me and reality changed forever.

After Creating the Slingshot Method, I...

  • Established Long-Lasting Motivation (read 24 books during quarantine alone)
  • Wrote & Published a Book in 27-days
  • Got Accepted in the Peace Corps (24% acceptance rate)
  • Got in the Best Shape of My Life (11% body fat)
  • Became an Outdoor Model (kayaks and motorcycles, baby!)
  • Developed Strong Memory Recall (Crushed my written pilot’s exam — 8pts above national average)
  • Starred in Music Videos, Commercials and Movie Scenes
  • Became manager at my aviation company in record time

I found prestige among colleagues, favor among strangers, monetary achievement, and access to limitless potential — all part of a truly thriving man. I became more than what any life coach could ever be for me (so I wouldn’t have to pay them $200/hr to do it).

The best part? This method works for you, too!

Practicality is everything. What’s the point if it’s not proven based off experience and intense trial?

The Slingshot Method is the only universally applicable method due to its approach. It works for you because it’s a meta-approach (high order and self-referring).

It doesn’t brush the surface and accept default solutions you see on BuzzFeed. This higher order of thinking breaks down your deepest problems — and eliminates them.

I understand what it feels like being the guy who sees his amazing potential, but never actually living it. Fixing this is just a matter of learning from the person who’s already struggled with it. I solved the exact problem all of us face — not being our most powerful selves.

Imagine what you can accomplish when you finally break free from your terrible heartbreak…

There are a few ways to "move on" from heartbreak... (that don't really work).

“Moving on” from heartbreak is akin to sweeping traumas and insecurities under the rug until we trip over it in our next relationship (that was a hard lesson to learn).

But if you still want to “move on”, here are the current industry practices… and reasons why you might be spinning your wheels right now.

Not the worst start.

However, this is all most of the “experts” say about this topic. There is no structure to rationalize breakup trauma, decode the flurry of emotions, nor learn how to overcome them. We call this the “broad-stroke band-aid approach” and it often doesn’t stop the trickle of insecurities that last decades.

Distractions are only temporary fixes like sticking gum in a garden hose to stop the leak. For a moment, this may help — but what about the quiet times alone in the shower, during slow times at work, or when trying to sleep?

As well, forming the habit to distract ourselves is what stops us from getting what we truly want. This is intensified through the Dopamine Feedback Loop — which you will learn to break.

Distractions are the death of ambition and true progress.

It’s necessary to find psychological catharsis for the entire man. Here we’ll be more than just looking like the part.

Not a good idea unless you know what you’re doing!

Early in relationships, high levels of serotonin and dopamine are released. When the relationship ends, those good-good neurotransmitters stop producing, leaving us more chemically starved than before.

Fixating on your ex is akin to going back to the drug dealer hoping for more but never getting the high you want. This deepens your loss, making more difficult to get ahead in life. 

The strong urge to fixate on your ex is based off instinctive and unreasonable needs for inclusion and sex. There are ways to satisfy these things yet be the ideal version of yourself.

It’s helpful to feel thankful for the relationship, but in due time.

Almost the worst advice I’ve seen yet. 

There’s a romantic trend going around that this is a good idea. It’s not.

You need to be careful with your time and focus on self-formulation, not your ex’s new boyfriend.

Finally, we have some good advice!

But how? What is the process? What is good advice and what isn’t?

Does it require us to fixate on the usual jargon like identity, self-fulfillment, and courage? Or is there a stronger and more direct way to find our ideal selves?

HINT: Yes, yes there is…BIG TIME.

I have the prevailing method. You have the desire.

Together, we can produce something truly magnificent for your very near future.

Seeking help is not a sign of "inability"

Both men and women have the proclivity to criticize themselves during psychological emergencies.

Women recover better because of their diverse social dynamics. For men, it’s worse.

Societal expectations constantly remind us to be capable for our loved ones. But guess what…

The most powerful leaders ask more questions than preach answers. This is because questions are your most competitive advantage. Seeking help isn’t a show of “inability” but a tactical move to succeed quickly.

Our Slingshot Method focus on two primary ingredients:


It's not "what" we do that defines us. It's "why" we do it. Many adults go through life never knowing who they truly are, what they stand for and why they truly strive for greatness. We lose ourselves in trauma and pain, never having the knowledge to become who we truly are inside. You'll learn to rewrite these old tropes and become the exception. Finding your deepest "whys" is the key to all your future success.


Why focus on doing everything when you can focus on the effectiveness of how to do anything? Meta-skills are skills that enhance all other skills. With them, you'll pick up abilities faster and more impressively. Breakups offer unique opportunity to focus on what makes you you. You'll achieve a higher order problem-solving skill designed to solve not just the surface problem, but the actual problem. It's this kind of thinking that works.

"What if I don't think I can do it? I hate failing"


Most people don’t take creative action during heartbreaks because their life generally implodes.

They forget to trust themselves and remember what life could truly become. Fear stunts mental growth and prospering minds. You know what kills fear?

A well-crafted plan — a plan that not only tears away the baggage and pain of abandonment, but slingshots you to making life-changing achievements.

In achieving prosperity during a breakup, most people don’t know where to start. That’s where I come in.

Here is the solution:

Manage and Hone the Pain

Learn to exercise self-transparency amid your psychological emergency through our guided lessons. This step is plentiful in objective fact, science, and philosophies of unrelenting endurance. You'll find out exactly who you are and what you demand your future to be. Most "experts" do this step poorly.

Develop Unassailability

Our obsession in merging science and philosophy places us in an authoritative position for breakups. An unassailable mindset was the reward. Whether it be old words from your ex or thoughts you exhaust yourself with today, we got you covered. Life coaches charge $1000+ for this service alone.

Enact on Your "Wild"

We've studied history's greatests to learn their process for seamless success. They used SMIs. SMIs are Self-Made Internships. They are precise plans used to fortify your abilities and genius. SMIs created legends. You'll get your own plan to achieve your "unreasonable" future, much faster than myself.

You don't need to be born "super smart"

You just need the right tactics!

I wasn't born with superior intelligence. In fact, I had to take special reading classes to remain average. It was only after I killed the ego did strangers and dates tell me I was intelligent. Inborn intellect and degrees have nothing to do with it. I just adopted strong attitudes and philosophical principle to change it all.

How else do you think I was landing commercials and movie scenes with less than a few months of acting? How about writing a 136-page book in 27 days with 4-hours of sleep per night? Reality is far more flexible than society tells us.

What's the secret?

After a breakup, we call our emotional states "raw" because there is nothing sugar-coating us against our undesirable realities, ambitions and sense of self. It's only a matter of listening to the signs and capitalizing upon them.

This is why breakups offer the most unique opportunity. When you hone yourself during the worst conditions possible, you learn to handle anything life throws at you. Applying to your dream job will be cake compared to the daunting feeling of waiting on unanswered texts from your ex.

Now, time to do something about it!

I can’t say how many times I’ve seen guys in heartbreak stay there for years.

It hurts me to see men repeatedly choose incompatible partners and accept mundane existences. But not you.

My life changed forever thanks to this clear-cut method. More power is at my fingertips and life is an enjoyable money-making game. I thank it everyday.

Do something with your heartbreak and prove to yourself it wasn’t for nothing! Those who’ve suffered heartbreak are best equipped to change the world.


post-breakup prosperity ecourse

Your Step-By-Step Plan

Remove the Self Through Psychological & Philosophical Inquiry

We set the stage and prepare you for what's to come. Mature recovery to self-mastery requires a specific process all backed by a strong philosophical context. This will require us to step back and divide the ego through the concept of Tabula Rasa. Expect to learn major problems of the self-improvement industry, why men recover worse at breakups and why self-transparency is the end-all-be-all of self-improvement.

Question & Interpret Societal Norms of Pursuit and Identity

Learn more about the societal hindrances of what it means to be a man under heartbreak and how to beat it. Here, we focus on the power of language, drawbacks of "identity" and utilize our first meta-skills. These lessons are crucial in carrying us to becoming the titans we were mean to become.

Obtain New Concepts Through Introspection and Phoenix Philosophies

Most people just want to "move on" from their breakup trauma. In this section, we create a foundation to not only salve our heartbreak, but use these tools to orient our mindset to an unassailable form of self-belief. Expect to learn philosophical concepts of Amor Fati, perceptions vs. realities, the power of introspection, and highly-coveted Morning Rituals.

Awaken the Body Through Aggressive Breathing and Mind-Body Connectivity

This is the step where we pair psychological recovery with strong physical development. In it, we learn the power of intentional breathing, rapid muscle-gain, rapid fat-loss and rapid stability gain. Expect to learn the science behind "impossible" bodily progress while ignoring the market jargon. Physical recovery is a crucial step to promote subconscious wellness. Learn how it pairs with strong emotional development is critical.

Shatter Societal Concepts Through Knowledge of Love and Self-Mastery

Here is where things get even more powerful. This section is jam-packed with wealth and knowledge. In it, we articulate concepts of love and understand the truth behind playing relationship games. We also ponder the definitions of masculinity, femininity and what it means to move forward. This step is a thought-leader's must-have. At this point, your well-being is substantially better.

Adopt Methods of Self-Mastery Through Technical Action

This is the first step into the Slingshot Chapters from the Recovery Chapters. We further our Morning Rituals to develop scope and pursuits of greatness. We redefine more than just the concept of money and alter the powers of language to our advantage. As well, you explore powerful case studies of what people regret most when faced with imminent death.

Continue Pursuits with Discipline While Affirming Unique Philosophies and Attitudes

Yet another jam-packed step to raise you out of the "standard" means of existence. Be prepared to discuss what it means to be both psychologically and philosophically extraordinary. We will re-define failure, success and curtail the fears of achieving these things. We end this step on a powerful discussion of the world's worst psychological challenges of our era (and how to solve them).

Obtain Power to Recall & Summon Self-Actualization Techniques in Love, Life and Money-Making Ventures

Perhaps the most powerful step of all! This section starts with a life-altering thought experiment and what you're actually pursuing. Expect to fortify yourself against self-doubt and substandard living. We redefine aggression and use it to achieve our wildest expectations. From here, we formulate your future using a unique process called Hot Six and Final Three. At this point, you're already working on your future endeavors through technical skills of self-mastery.

Achieving a Permanent and Prosperous Mindset

At this point, you are already altering your realities — jobs, bank accounts, skill acquisition and much more. This section focuses on long-lasting meta-skills for motivation, energy and focus. Genius and intuition grows rapidly in this section as we don't waste time approaching our ideal futures.

Cultivating Your Power and Influence, Becoming Your Own Life Coach, How to Excel in Your Next Relationship and More!

Here is where you get additional value from this course. It's safe to say your ex won't even recognize you. But we don't stop there! We will show you how to cultivate power and influence, becoming your own life coach, how to excel in your next relationship, master your memory, achieve psychological superiority, negotiate like a pro, quit addictions, effectively plan your future, influence people to aid in your causes, and learn the meta-skill of improv comedy. You also become a member of our exclusive sub-culture community with reality-changers like you! Collaboration, anyone?

What you will get

Plus, lifetime access + all feature updates!

I’m constantly reading and developing. Synthesizing experiences with knowledge is what makes Prosperity a leader in the breakup industry. As things change, so will our strategies and meta-skills.

You will always get access to updates! 

Full reimbursement for 30-days and still receive lifetime access!

That's right. If you don't think this course is for you, you get it for free and your money back. On us!





$27 because 1-hr with a life coach = $200. With us, you get 10+ hours!




Opt-in to learn more about the problems you face and how we overcome them!

Will this course apply to my specific breakup?

Whether you were in the wrong or your ex was, we've got you covered. We intimately cover complex psychological environments so you have flexible tools to get through your unique heartbreak better than ever.

How long should I start this course after my breakup?

Immediately. This is where I made my BIGGEST MISTAKE. No matter if your breakup was yesterday or five years ago, the Kellian Method gives technical knowledge for mature recovery. We salve BOTH the immediate pain AND the long-term anguish. I made great efforts to make sure this was possible.

Will this course allow me to become an entrepreneur or do I already need to own a business?

Whether you are already managing a start-up or just considering entrepreneurship, this course will greatly aid you. I've synthesized over 24 books and numerous interviews to keep you knowledgeable and thriving. This is my promise to you.

What if I'm not interested in starting a business?

No matter what you want to do with your newfound unassailability, Prosperity is tailored to the ambitious individual, not the comfortable majority. This means we mold people to become masters of whoever they become — writers, civil rights icons, professional athletes, leaders in your desired muse, or just a really cool dad. We give you the meta-skills to become great at whatever you choose.

What format is the content delivered in?

Mostly high quality audio content hosted on the Soundwise mobile app. As well, you get PDF transcripts, detailed class notes, and academic resources so you may find the facts yourself. These are found in the specific recording sections within Soundwise. Also, our blog is riddles with video content for the visual learner.

How is Prosperity different?

Amazing question. Prosperity is a new product category never before seen in the industry. We merge breakup recovery with self-actualization. This means we have no competitors. We uniquely tailored this course to those undergoing heartbreak yet want to become titans of their future. Healing is only the beginning and we teach you how to break your mold.

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

I don't flaunt guarantees as most capable people are jaded to them, but yes. Prosperity Course is the primary alternative to speculative life coaches and breaks the mold within the SI industry. If you don't like our course, you have 30-days to receive 100% reimbursement and still get access to this course, on us. I only ask you show proof of implementing our exercises into your own life.

Why should I give a sh*t about all this?

This is the exact question that started me on this journey. I wish it was asked more often. Why? Why give a sh*t when the world is falling apart and people don't mean what they say? Prosperity doesn't grant meaning or preach vanity. It doesn't dress an ugly world with lipstick nor appeal to marketable bullsh*t. You're asking this question based off the premise you want to see change. Welcome to the place where you can make change possible.

Have a question we didn't answer?

You can send us a message on Instagram or email us at to get a response. I love questions so please reach out with yours.

You Get 6 Powerful Modules

All sections in orange are free to listen to here. Just hit the ‘Contents Tab’ and press play!

Introduction & Expectations

  1. Changing Winds
  2. What is the Kellian Method?
  3. How to Use Prosperity
  4. Moderator’s Selfless Intentions and Selfish Motives
  5. You’re Not Alone (Moderator’s Breakup Story)
  6. Oh, it Fucking Sucks: The Reality

Part 1 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. The Main Problem with the SI Industry
  2. Why Men Recover Worse Than Women After a Breakup
  3. Who Are You, the Listener?
  4. What Not to Expect from This Course
  5. What I Was Told to Do That Didn’t Work
  6. What to Expect From This Course (The Process)
  7. The Main Problem with Breakups Nobody Else is Addressing
  8. The End-All-Be-All to Self-Improvement: Self-Transparency (Intro Only)
  9. Checkpoint Alpha

Part 2 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. Power and Cautions of Language 1.0
  2. The Nine Avoidable Ways to Merely “Move On”
  3. The Dignified Effort
  4. Expectations: Tabula Rasa and Nietzsche’s Metamorphosis
  5. Tabula Rasa: The Kid Meets a Camel, a Lion, and the Dragon
  6. Your Room, Sonny
  7. Morning Rituals: Ground Zero (Crucial for Breakup Recovery)
  8. It’s What You Do in the Dark Which Brings You into the Light
  9. Psychology of a Breakup: The Scientific Reason Why You Hurt
  10. The Cosmic Corrective –Navigas Inanis
  11. Aggression as an Antonym to Passivity 1.0
  12. Who Taught You How to Breathe?
  13. Checkpoint Bravo

Part 3 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. Morning Rituals 1.0 (Crucial for Breakup Recovery)
  2. Prosperity Meditation Walk-Through
  3. The Talisman of Life: Building a Relationship with Your Mind (2 Weeks)
  4. Morning Rituals 2.0 (Crucial for Breakup Recovery)
  5. Perceptions Vs. Reality and Squares Vs. Rectangles
  6. Checkpoint Charlie

Part 4 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter​

  1. What’s Your Narrative?
  2. Your Subconscious Physique and It’s Role in Recovery
  3. Emotion as a Movement?
  4. Exercise: One Month’s Time
  5. Confronting the Fitness Industry with “Unreasonableness”
  6. Rapid Strength/Stability-Gain
  7. Rapid Fat-Loss (Diet)
  8. Rapid Fat-Loss (Exercise)
  9. Rapid Muscle-Gain
  10. Total Wellness: Testosterone and Sleep
  11. Amor Fati: The Love of One’s Fate
  12. Redefining Envy Forever
  13. The Knife-Edge Definition of ‘Revenge’
  14. Checkpoint Delta

Part 5 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. Wake Up: Definitions of Love
  2. Love & (Some) Sex: A Word of Caution in False Reasons to Love
  3. Reason to Love: The Search for Knowledge and Beauty
  4. Ponderings of Masculinity and Femininity
  5. Cutting the Addiction and “Remembering Their Frown”
  6. “Remembering Their Frown” (the Exercise)
  7. The Spectre Concept
  8. The Truth Behind “Playing Games”
  9. Moving Forward–The One Thing to Topple Mountains and Man
  10. Checkpoint Echo

Introduction & Expectations

  1. Changing Winds
  2. What is the Kellian Method and Why is it Unpopular?
  3. How to Use Prosperity
  4. Moderator’s Selfless Intentions and Selfish Motives
  5. You’re Not Alone (Moderator’s Breakup Story)
  6. Oh, it Fucking Sucks: The Reality

Part 1 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. The Main Problem with the SI Industry
  2. Why Men Recover Worse Than Women After a Breakup
  3. Who Are You, the Listener?
  4. What Not to Expect from This Course
  5. What I Was Told to Do That Didn’t Work
  6. What to Expect From This Course (The Process)
  7. The Main Problem with Breakups Nobody Else is Addressing
  8. The End-All-Be-All to Self-Improvement: Self-Transparency (Intro Only)
  9. Checkpoint Alpha

Part 2 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. Power and Cautions of Language 1.0
  2. The Nine Avoidable Ways to Merely “Move On”
  3. The Dignified Effort
  4. Expectations: Tabula Rasa and Nietzsche’s Metamorphosis
  5. Tabula Rasa: The Kid Meets a Camel, a Lion, and the Dragon
  6. Your Room, Sonny
  7. Morning Rituals: Ground Zero (Crucial for Breakup Recovery)
  8. It’s What You Do in the Dark Which Brings You into the Light
  9. Psychology of a Breakup: The Scientific Reason Why You Hurt
  10. The Cosmic Corrective –Navigas Inanis
  11. Aggression as an Antonym to Passivity 1.0
  12. Who Taught You How to Breathe?
  13. Checkpoint Bravo

Part 3 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. Morning Rituals 1.0 (Crucial for Breakup Recovery)
  2. Prosperity Meditation Walk-Through
  3. The Talisman of Life: Building a Relationship with Your Mind (2 Weeks)
  4. Morning Rituals 2.0 (Crucial for Breakup Recovery)
  5. Perceptions Vs. Reality and Squares Vs. Rectangles
  6. Checkpoint Charlie

Part 4 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter​

  1. What’s Your Narrative?
  2. Your Subconscious Physique and It’s Role in Recovery
  3. Emotion as a Movement?
  4. Exercise: One Month’s Time
  5. Confronting the Fitness Industry with “Unreasonableness”
  6. Rapid Strength/Stability-Gain
  7. Rapid Fat-Loss (Diet)
  8. Rapid Fat-Loss (Exercise)
  9. Rapid Muscle-Gain
  10. Total Wellness: Testosterone and Sleep
  11. Amor Fati: The Love of One’s Fate
  12. Redefining Envy Forever
  13. The Knife-Edge Definition of ‘Revenge’
  14. Checkpoint Delta

Part 5 of Our Breakup Recovery Chapter

  1. Wake Up: Definitions of Love
  2. Love & (Some) Sex: A Word of Caution in False Reasons to Love
  3. Reason to Love: The Search for Knowledge and Beauty
  4. Ponderings of Masculinity and Femininity
  5. Cutting the Addiction and “Remembering Their Frown”
  6. “Remembering Their Frown” (the Exercise)
  7. The Spectre Concept
  8. The Truth Behind “Playing Games”
  9. Moving Forward–The One Thing to Topple Mountains and Man
  10. Checkpoint Echo

Part 1 of Our Slingshot Chapter (Coming Soon!)

  1. Moving Forward: Sights Worth Living For
  2. Regret, Honor & the Amor Fati Multiplier
  3. Morning Rituals 3.0 (Crucial for Slingshot)
  4. Main Reason Why I’m Flipping the SI Industry on Its Head
  5. Where to Start: A Question or Statement?
  6. Power of Language 2.0 & Self-Presentation
  7. A Penny for Your Thoughts: What is Money to You?
  8. Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
  9. How Great Leaders Inspire Action
  10. Checkpoint Foxtrot

Part 2 of Our Slingshot Chapter (Coming Soon!)

  1. A Discussion on Extraordinary: Everyone’s a Philosopher, a Writer, a Musician and a Cultural Critic. Now What?
  2. Addressing & Redefining Failure
  3. Addressing and Redefining Success
  4. Relinquishing Morning Comforts Are What Makes You Insane, Dawg.
  5. Morning Rituals 4.0 (Crucial for Slingshot)
  6. Public Presentation of Positive Postures
  7. If You Existed in a Void
  8. Rig the Game in Your Favor: Tailoring Your Own Meditation
  9. Rig the Game in Your Favor: Tailoring Your Own Journaling
  10. Language Fatigue–Readjusting & Defining the Language of “Why”
  11. The Most Concerning Psychological Challenges of our Zeitgeist (A Discussion of the Era)
  12. Checkpoint Golf

Part 3 of Our Slingshot Chapter (Coming Soon!)

  1. Worst Psychological Challenge of Our Time: A Discussion
  2. Expectations, Comparisons and Realities
  3. The Lowdown of Aiming High: A Paradox
  4. What Are You Really Doing Here? (Thought Experiment)
  5. Aggression as an Antonym to Passivity 2.0—Molding a “Passion”
  6. Dreams or Goals? The Hot Six and Final Three
  7. Procrastination Aversion 101
  8. Occasion Control Principles [OCPs]
  9. Maintaining Eye Contact
  10. The Canvas to Paint the Picture: A “MasteryPiece”
  11. Checkpoint Hotel

Part 4 of Our Slingshot Chapter (Coming Soon!)

  1. Our Discerns with Power and Influence
  2. Making Friends and Greene’s Definition of “Genius” and “Inspiration”
  3. The Source of All Great Achievements: Bringing it All Together
  4. Take a Fucking Walk, My Dude
  5. Morning Rituals 5.0 (Crucial for Slingshot)
  6. One Day Vision Talk
  7. Checkpoint India

Part 5 of Our Slingshot Chapter (Coming Soon!)

  1. Concept: Who is Nietzsche’s Overman? Debunking What it Means to Be “Psychologically Superior”
  2. A Note on Collaboration and Negotiation (Narrator’s Additive)
  3. Digging into Your Masterful Self
  4. Your Seven Capacities
  5. “Now, Introducing Self-Make ‘The Game Changer’ Internships!” [SMIs]
  6. Creating Your SMIs: Devising a Blueprint for Exposure and Knowledge
  7. The Ways to Unreasonable Success (For the Unreasonable Man)
  8. The Power of Reading and Memory
  9. How to Become Sherlock Holmes: Improving Your Memory
  10. Becoming a Memory God
  11. The Skills of Improv Comedy
  12. Imposter Syndrome and How to Beat It
  13. Originality and First Principles Thinking
  14. The Essential Experience No SI Product Can Compete With
  15. Checkpoint Juliet

Part 6 of Our Slingshot Chapter (Coming Soon!)

  1. Olympian Fears
  2. Principles the Moderator Lives By
  3. The Philosophy of Forgiveness
  4. The Final Breakup Recovery Exercise
  5. Seven Ghosts Over Your Deathbed
  6. The Send-Off

Overlooked Bonuses ($287 Value Absolutely FREE) (Coming Soon!)

  • How to Cultivate Power and Influence
  • Becoming Your Own Life Coach
  • How to Excel in Your Next Relationship
  • Master Your Memory
  • Achieve Psychological Superiority
  • Negotiate Like a Pro
  • Learn How to Quit Addictions (According to Psychology)
  • Downloadable SMI Template
  • How to Influence People
  • Learn the Meta-Skill of Improv Comedy
  • Membership to Thriving Sub-Culture Community





$27 because 1-hr with a life coach = $200. With us, you get 10+ hours!

Learn More About the Creator

"My philosophical responsibility is to improve the conversation around self-transparency and—undistinguishably, self-actualization."

Educated in engineering and philosophy, Peace Corps volunteer Mike Kelly sought to find practical solutions to the nebulous self-improvement industry. Trying to recover from his own break-up, he found the men’s self-help industry to be deceivingly toxic and under-qualified. Using comedy and practicality, he’s changing all that.





$27 because 1-hr with a life coach = $200. With us, you get 10+ hours!