Welcome to the Prosperity Project

This site exists so your ideal future can, too.

I remember seeing it as clear as day–after an amazing scuba trip off the coast of CuraƧao. I came back asking, “If I’ve got one shot to really taste life, then why the hell am I spending it in this 5-ft cubicle?” I decided two years of mundane engineering was enough for me. Life is much bigger than a default existence. I haven’t looked back since.

Then the long-term relationship ended.

Now what does a broke, recently single, yet hungry guy do next?

He hones himself and makes unrelenting moves to taste life for all it is. Back in 2018, I had an option: I could run back to my industry with my tail between my legs and stare at a noose 10 years later, or push the plate of conventionality away and find my own buffet. Though it took time, toil and a lot of reading, I’m happy to say the cooking is much better elsewhere.


What about your heartbreak?

During the worst of it, I was finding improvement hacks and sources of motivation within the SI industry. I kept finding commonly accepted solutions to be relatively impractical, bloated, frivolous, broad-stroked, and indirectā€”even vain and destructive.Ā 

How do I know? I tested them and analyzed my failures. I found the “nine most common ways” to get over breakups were absolutely ineffective. Not only that, they perpetuated some pretty ugly ideals our children would inevitably adopt.

Somewhere in-between getting frustrated with the industry and starting a study abroad education company did I decide to reduce and deflate the truthless and toxic nonsense of self-transparency.

"My philosophical responsibility is to improve the conversation around self-transparency andā€”undistinguishably, self-actualization."

Let me be clear here:

Suggesting self-transparency as the ever-coveted act of self-actualization is a BRAND NEW TAKE on the self-help industry. The day I discovered that was the day the mystery was over.Ā 

It has everything to do with meta-skills and nothing to do with who or what you salute. Meta-skills are skills that enhance all other skills. Once you figure that out, being a human becomes easy again. That simple.

The ‘merry prankster’ delivery:

Getting the word out can be difficult when the world is already loud enough. I find people’s minds are more dilated when comedy and shock are involved. So I’ll do my best to make this both entertaining and slightly rabble-rousing.

How did you create Post-Breakup Prosperity?

Prosperity was an accident. Freshly heartbroken (round two) and pouring everything into my business, I needed to create a system that would both enhance my entrepreneurial skills and give me strength to maturely process and recover from my breakup.

Two-dozen books and thousands of research hours later (all doused in the purest state of intuition ever felt), an impenetrable masterpiece was born. It’s vainly called the Kellian Method (or Slingshot Method).

Upon sharing my practice with contacts and colleagues did I realize this method significantly helped others, too.Ā There’s a reason why my course received TEN 5-star reviews within the first week of launch.

Spilling the personal beans:

For my 29th birthday, I moved to East Africa to read, teach and learn a few languages. Before then, I was a structural engineer working in a fancy downtown building. The 5-ft cubicle wasn’t enough.

After two years of realizing the default lifestyle isn’t for me, I started to professionally act, model, and consult study abroad students on their overseas adventures. I published my first book two weeks before 2020. Perfect timing considering it was a study abroad lifestyle guide. Bummer.

I grew up in a small town always thinking life was bigger than it is. Afterward, I moved to Spokane, Washington to study philosophy and engineering at Gonzaga University. I graduated in 2016 and have been to 22 countries since then.

Since quarantine, I…

  • Suffered a fatal blow to my study abroad business
  • Promptly got broken up with (again)
  • Read 24+ books
  • Developed the Kellian Method
  • Got accepted into a prestigious government institution (24% acceptance rate)
  • Got in the best shape of my life (11% body fat)
  • Significantly increases the quality of my relationships and those I spend time with
  • Crushed my written pilot’s exam (92%)
  • Rapidly progressed through my Self-Made Internships (SMIs) and became manager at an aviation company in record time

Now, I’m sharing my methods with others also wishing to change their realities against defaults and adversity. 

The time I was spending between flying 3000-ft above the ground or scuba-diving 100-ft below now is taken up exploring the landscapes in Eastern Africa and learning languages.

The best part is, Prosperity’s only getting started.

Speaking Engagements:

MTK is no longer performing speaking engagements at this time. He’s too busy overseas learning a few new languages.

Prosperity's Editor Moving to Another Country:

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Important coming dates:

august 2022

Univ. Washington Speaking Seminar

Seattle, USA

august 2022

Seattle University Speaking Seminar

Seattle, USA

september 2022

event coming soon


About WPKoi themes

Amet luctus

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Mi ipsum fauci

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Enim nulla

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Fringilla est

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Felis donec et

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Vulputate enim

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Fusce id vel

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Risus sed vulp

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Eget gravida

Et molestie ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum ullamcorper. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra.

Client icons

Sia Britt

Software Engineer

Roksana Heath

Sales Manager

Agata Baldwin

Marketing Assistant

Naveed Atkins


Clyde Crawford

Sales Manager

Jack Browne

Support Assistant

Meet Our Team

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