Overcoming Study Abroad Homesickness in the Most Meaningful Way

Most Meaningful Way to Overcome Study Abroad Homesickness and Depression

Curing and overcoming study abroad homesickness will no longer be a problem for you. This video defines homesickness and provides solutions to overcome it, especially for study abroad students.

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Ahhh, homesickness—the paralytic distress caused by separation from familiarities—specifically loved ones and attachment objects.

It is both the antonym and antichrist to wanderlust, and it must be quelled responsibly so you can continue making the world a more interesting place.

Loneliness and Homesickness is a mental state that is all-too common when abroad.

In this article, I’m going to use my breakup coaching background to show you exactly what you need to do to salve any sense of loneliness and homesickness while overseas.

kenyan matatu packed with items overcoming homesickness study abroad

Hi, I’m Mike Kelly. For my 29th birthday, I moved to East Africa. But years before then, I experienced almost three weeks of depression and intense loneliness when studying abroad in Florence, Italy.

It wasn’t easy to get over, because I didn’t have the info I’m about to share with you.

The alienating anguish and demoralizing loneliness of homesickness not only robs you of your study abroad experience but threatens to kill your sense of wonder and self-esteem.

Both of which are crucial to maintaining a sense of identity and fulfillment in this life.

The Challenge of Study Abroad Homesickness:

Speaking an unfamiliar language to unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar country wears even the toughest people down. So please, stop blaming yourself.

Homesickness may last only a few hours or a few weeks. The important thing is to acknowledge your condition and be active in its recovery.

Do not deny your homesickness or feelings of loneliness. I did this for weeks and it hindered my functionality and recovery significantly.

Observing the feeling of homesickness or loneliness sometimes is enough to get past it.

But I’m proactive. Here is what else you can do:

Take a Break (for a Moment):

Take a break from everything for a moment.

Don’t tell yourself you need to be anyone in particular that day. Lounge in a quiet and cozy place and passively observe your surroundings. There doesn’t always have to be a focus, objective or reason to visit a coffee shop and simply observe. Just be present.

If you’re watching this video before you’ve packed, bring photos of friends, family and specific events that arouse comfort and familiarity.

Funny objects or items that do the same are also encouraged.

If you’re already abroad, reach out to your friends and family and have them send you old photos that arouse great love and joy. Care packages go a long way, but are also quite expensive.


Spill Out All Your Thoughts in Your Travel Journal [TJ]:

All of them?

All of them.

When writing in your travel journal, ignore punctuation, spelling and grammar rules. Just write anything that comes to you—thoughts, feelings, observations and insights you’re discovering about yourself. Even 10 minutes of stream-of consciousness writing can:

  • clear the mind
  • bestow realizations
  • articulate complex thoughts
  • gain insight about yourself
  • leave you feeling balanced, centered and often at peace
expat philosophy's personal travel journal

What is a Travel Journal??

“And what on earth is this travel journal you speak of?”

You’ll have to watch my other videos to explain what this miraculous thing is…

“Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a meditation, it’s the same thing. What’s important is you’re having a
relationship with your mind.”

— Natalie Goldberg

Lastly, Tell people!

Tell friends you miss home. Share a favorite story about your siblings or childhood friends. Air the thoughts out and let them dry.

Personally, this last suggestion is really difficult for me. So, more power to you if you have the courage to reach out to friends when you recognize you can’t do it alone.

Signs of Recovery (Reaching Serenity):

There may be a time in your homesickness recovery where you reach serenity.
Serenity is progress. Why?

Serenity is the absence of both depression and joy. It’s a state of mental stillness—a cherished moment where one is experiencing just themselves placed in this magnificent world. Feeling this means you’re on the mend.

You may find yourself here many times before you gitty-up and become more aggressive with your overseas adventures.

Benefits of Getting Study Abroad Homesickness?

In all I can say as you progress and manage your homesickness, is even this less pleasant part of study abroad is forming a relationship with your mind. It too is deepening your character, giving you more control over yourself.

succumbing to fear is the biggest mistake study abroad students make while overseas

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ponte vechhio, florence, italy

The Best Thing You Can Do?

If you are looking for not only 5-star preparedness abroad, but to seek a deeper self while overseas, check out my book—the Study Abroad Lifestyle Guidebook.

I show you everything you need to know that study abroad offices fail to do.

Learn to spot common tourist traps, get the perfect packing list and even receive bonuses like learning how to solo-travel, using study abroad for resumes and how to save hundreds of dollars for flights and lodging.

It’s all there.

What Results Have I Gotten From This Advice?

Anything you wish would happen to you while taking an overseas trip has happened to me— only because when I felt depressed and homesick while studying abroad, I used the suggestions in this article.

To name a few things that happened after I successfully overcame my study abroad homesickness and depression:

  • Most profound conversations even experienced in the most inimitable places in this world
  • Doubled-down on my study abroad experience and learned to solo-travel with ease
  • Became less insecure and more emotionally confident
  • Learned how to handle extreme travel pressure and emergencies
  • More energy to take on new experiences never thought possible
  • Made international friends faster which leads to a richer life!
exploring your shadow personality

My Coffeehouse Wager to You:

Here is your Coffeehouse Wager:

Perform these recovery steps overseas to combat your loneliness and homesickness. Manage it as it comes and keep making this world a more interesting place for all of us.

Expat Philosophy signing off,



Mike T. Kelly

Mike T. Kelly

Editor of Prosperity

Ex-structural engineer gone expat polyglot. Through his book, speaking events, published writings and online blog, he strives to influence millions to be their best selves while experiencing novelty overseas or at home. His desire for adventure travel is rivaled by his love for motorcycles, airplanes and family. Michael graduated from Gonzaga University with studies in civil engineering and philosophy. For his 29th birthday, he moved to Africa where he is experiencing his next transformative experience.

Study Abroad Mistakes Easily Avoided FAQ:

How do I get over homesickness when studying abroad?

Homesickness is the paralytic distress caused by separation from familiarities, specifically loved ones and attachment objects. We suggest many effective solutions, journaling, meditation, etc., but the best thing you can do is reach out to your friends and family and have them send you old photos or items that arouse great love and joy. Care packages go a long way, but are also quite expensive. Lastly, share a favorite story about your siblings or childhood friends with your classmates! Air the thoughts out and let them dry.

Why is study abroad challenging homesick?

Homesickness is the paralytic distress caused by separation from familiarities, specifically loved ones and attachment objects. When in this state, it can be difficult to enjoy your overseas experience and keep up with your school work. Speaking an unfamiliar language to unfamiliar people in an unfamiliar country wears even the toughest people down. So please don't blame yourself.

How do I get rid of extreme homesickness?

Watch our video here. This is the most meaningful way to overcome your homesickness and use it to get more control of yourself in the future.

How long does it take to get rid of homesickness?

It could be a few hours or a few weeks. the more active you are in your recovery, the quicker you will overcome it. Watch our video to get the best ways to overcome extreme homesickness.